In this tutorial, we show an example of performing fine-mapping and LD mismatch diagnosis (using susie_rss) with pre-computed LD matrices from UK Biobank reference.

We have pre-computed the LD matrices of European samples from UK Biobank. They can be downloaded here.

Load the packages.

Load an example Asthma GWAS summary statistics

gwas.file <- '/project2/xinhe/shared_data/mapgen/example_data/GWAS/aoa_v3_gwas_ukbsnps_susie_input.txt.gz'
gwas.sumstats <- vroom::vroom(gwas.file, col_names = TRUE, show_col_types = FALSE)
## # A tibble: 6 × 10
##     chr    pos     beta     se a0    a1    snp          pval  zscore locus
##   <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>       <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     1 693731  0.00277 0.0156 A     G     rs12238997  0.859  0.178      1
## 2     1 707522  0.00337 0.0169 G     C     rs371890604 0.841  0.200      1
## 3     1 717587 -0.0538  0.0429 G     A     rs144155419 0.210 -1.25       1
## 4     1 723329  0.00182 0.128  A     T     rs189787166 0.989  0.0143     1
## 5     1 729679  0.00577 0.0142 C     G     rs4951859   0.684  0.407      1
## 6     1 730087 -0.00465 0.0220 T     C     rs148120343 0.832 -0.212      1
n = 336210

Load LD blocks

LD_Blocks <- readRDS(system.file('extdata', 'LD.blocks.EUR.hg19.rds', package='mapgen'))

Obtain a data frame of region_info, rows are LD block coordinates together with the filenames of UKBB reference LD matrices and SNP info.

region_info <- get_UKBB_region_info(LD_Blocks,
                                    LDREF.dir = "/project2/mstephens/wcrouse/UKB_LDR_0.1_b37", 
                                    prefix = "ukb_b37_0.1")

Read all SNP info from the LD reference

LD_snp_info <- read_LD_SNP_info(region_info)

Process GWAS summary statistics and add LD block information, harmonize GWAS summary statistics with LD reference, flip signs when reverse complement matches and remove strand ambiguous variants

gwas.sumstats <- process_gwas_sumstats(gwas.sumstats, 
                                       chr='chr', pos='pos', beta='beta', se='se', 
                                       a0='a0', a1='a1', snp='snp', pval='pval',
## Cleaning summary statistics...
## Harmonizing GWAS SNPs with LD reference panel...
## 9732903 variants in sumstats before harmonization...
## 6419678 variants in both sumstats and LD reference ...
## Flip signs for 6419677 (100.00%) variants with allele flipped. 
## Remove 994657 (18.33%) strand ambiguous variants.

Select GWAS significant loci (pval < 5e-8)

if (max(gwas.sumstats$pval) > 1) {
  gwas.sumstats <- gwas.sumstats %>% dplyr::mutate(pval = 10^(-pval))

sig.loci <- gwas.sumstats %>% dplyr::filter(pval < 5e-8) %>% dplyr::pull(locus) %>% unique()
cat(length(sig.loci), "significant loci. \n")
## 17 significant loci.


Fine-mapping significant loci with pre-computed UKBB LD matrices (we use uniform prior in this tutorial).

If we set save = TRUE, it saves susie result as well as z-scores and R matrix for each locus, which could be used later for diagnosis.

selected.sumstats <- gwas.sumstats[gwas.sumstats$locus %in% sig.loci, ]

susie.results <- run_finemapping(selected.sumstats, 
                                 region_info = region_info, 
                                 priortype = 'uniform', n = n, L = 10,
                                 save = TRUE, outputdir = "./test", outname = "example")

susie.sumstats <- merge_susie_sumstats(susie.results,

run_finemapping() internally runs susie_finemap_region() for each of the loci. For finemapping a single locus, we can simply use susie_finemap_region() with sumstats and LD information (R and snp_info) for the locus.

locus <- sig.loci[2] <- gwas.sumstats[gwas.sumstats$locus == locus, ]

# load LD matrix and SNP info for this locus
LD_ref <- load_UKBB_LDREF(LD_Blocks, 
                          LDREF.dir = "/project2/mstephens/wcrouse/UKB_LDR_0.1_b37", 
                          prefix = "ukb_b37_0.1")

# Match GWAS sumstats with LD reference, only keep variants included in LD reference.
matched.sumstat.LD <- match_gwas_LDREF(, LD_ref$R, LD_ref$snp_info) <- matched.sumstat.LD$sumstats <-$zscore <- matched.sumstat.LD$R <- matched.sumstat.LD$snp_info <- susie_finemap_region(,,, n = n, L = 10)
## Run susie_rss...
susieR::susie_plot(, y='PIP')
&nbsp; <- merge_susie_sumstats(,

LD mismatch diagnosis

Inconsistencies between GWAS z-scores and the LD reference could potentially inflate PIPs from SuSiE finemapping when L > 1. It would be helpful to check for potential LD mismatch issues, for example using DENTIST or susie_rss.

Here we perform LD mismatch diagnosis for this example locus using susie_rss:

condz <- LD_diagnosis_susie_rss(,, n)
## Estimate consistency between the z-scores and reference LD matrix ...
## Estimated lambda = 7.30936e-05 
## Compute expected z-scores based on conditional distribution of z-scores ...


The estimated lambda is very small, and the LD mismatch diagnosis plot looks good (with no allele flipping detected), which suggests that the GWAS z-scores and reference LD are consistent.

Next, we manually introduces LD mismatches by flipping alleles for 10 variants (with large effects) and see if we can detect those.

seed = 1

flip_index <- sample(which($zscore > 2), 10) <-$zscore[flip_index] <-$zscore[flip_index]

cat(length(flip_index), "allele flipped variants:\n", sort($snp[flip_index]), "\n")
## 10 allele flipped variants:
##  rs10184597 rs10189629 rs10203707 rs10207579 rs13392285 rs2110727 rs2215945 rs62154973 rs72823628 rs72823646

Then, we run fine-mapping including variants with flipped alleles.

susie.results <- run_finemapping(, region_info = region_info, priortype = 'uniform', n = n, L = 10)
## Finemapping 1 loci...
## Finemapping locus 193...
## Run susie_rss... <- susie.results[[1]]
susieR::susie_plot(, y='PIP')


Let’s compare observed z-scores vs the expected z-scores.

condz <- LD_diagnosis_susie_rss($zscore, R =, n = n)
## Estimate consistency between the z-scores and reference LD matrix ...
## Estimated lambda = 0.4730198 
## Compute expected z-scores based on conditional distribution of z-scores ...
# condz$plot

Detect possible allele flipped variants (logLR > 2 and abs(z) > 2).

detected_index <- which(condz$conditional_dist$logLR > 2 & abs(condz$conditional_dist$z) > 2)
cat(sprintf("Detected %d variants with possible allele flipping", length(detected_index)), "\n")
## Detected 10 variants with possible allele flipping
cat("Possible allele switched variants:", sort($snp[detected_index]), "\n")
## Possible allele switched variants: rs10184597 rs10189629 rs10203707 rs10207579 rs13392285 rs2110727 rs2215945 rs62154973 rs72823628 rs72823646
condz$conditional_dist$flipped <- 0
condz$conditional_dist$flipped[flip_index] <- 1
condz$conditional_dist$detected <- 0
condz$conditional_dist$detected[detected_index] <- 1

cat(sprintf("%d out of %d flipped variants detected with logLR > 2 and abs(z) > 2. \n", 
            length(intersect(detected_index, flip_index)), length(flip_index)))
## 10 out of 10 flipped variants detected with logLR > 2 and abs(z) > 2.
condz$conditional_dist[union(flip_index, detected_index),]
##              z condmean   condvar z_std_diff    logLR flipped detected
## 529  -6.965514 6.321319 0.4847394 -19.083908 8.381969       1        1
## 1065 -2.567840 2.471008 0.4833665  -7.247579 8.078109       1        1
## 836  -2.532926 2.380152 0.4935893  -6.993116 8.042908       1        1
## 1048 -2.611843 2.493572 0.4837408  -7.340484 8.074479       1        1
## 218  -3.510579 3.281118 0.5026859  -9.579216 8.133171       1        1
## 115  -4.280961 4.094475 0.4988993 -11.857713 8.320665       1        1
## 1365 -3.318277 3.265362 0.5069206  -9.246898 8.196465       1        1
## 433  -6.686770 6.123010 0.4997885 -18.119598 8.451238       1        1
## 624  -6.934847 6.350230 0.4841194 -19.093601 8.509518       1        1
## 142  -4.512544 4.337933 0.4937149 -12.595882 8.385750       1        1
ggplot(condz$conditional_dist, aes(x = condmean, y = z, col = factor(flipped))) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("0" = "black", "1" = "red")) + 
  labs(x = "Expected value", y = "Observed z scores", color = "Simulated allele flipping") + 


ggplot(condz$conditional_dist, aes(x = condmean, y = z, col = factor(detected))) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("0" = "black", "1" = "red")) + 
  labs(x = "Expected value", y = "Observed z scores", color = "Detected allele flipping") + 